Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Funny you should ask: What's going on at Main Street Park?

Summer 2016
"We just want to provide a sheltered spot on Main Street where people can meet, sit, talk, eat and come together." Doctor Ivan Sletten on the dedication of Main Street Park, July 2001

The talk around town these days is, among other things, about all the changes currently going on at Main Street Park. Rocks with dedication plaques fastened upon them have been moved, a flowering crab and a pole with a carved eagle upon it have been taken down. And to some it appears that the pavilion has been moved further away from Second Street. What gives? And who authorized such changes?

from The Chetek Alert
First, a little history
On July 3, 2001, a standing room only crowd dedicated Main Street Park. Spearheaded by the generosity of Dr. Ivan and Grace Sletten, then Mayor John Banks received this wonderful donation to our city. Among the notables in attendance that day was Wisconsin State Representative Mary Hubler. It's a big deal when a small community like ours receives such a generous donation from one of her own. According to an article in The Chetek Alert at the time of the dedication, “Doc” Sletten's idea was to provide a “grassy, shady, sheltered spot on Main Street...where people can meet, sit, talk, eat and come together.” What's more he hoped that the park's presence in the heart of our city would “contribute to a sense of hospitality, friendliness and help foster a community spirit.”

from the Chetek Alert
Who can deny that it certainly has? Privately funded by the Sletten family, for many a summer Main Street Park hosted the weekly “Music in the Park” series. During Harvest Fest the Boy Scouts set up shop there for their annual chicken feed. One Christmas it was the site of a live Nativity that was sponsored by a couple of local churches complete with mule, cow, and a couple of sheep (that got loose for a time at the end of the evening but that's another story.)

The summer following Main Street Park's dedication, the Slettens commissioned local artist Rick Purintin to create a large eagle totem that was raised in memory of those who had died in the September 2001 terror attacks.

from the Chetek Alert

In 2011, an attempt was made by the city to purchase the lot behind Ohde's as an addition to Main Street Park but failed because we couldn't negotiate an affordable price. Fortunately, in the summer of 2017 and a new owner later, we tried again and this time we were successful in securing the property which we hope to develop in time.

In 2017 this vacant lot was added to the footprint of Main Street Park

Main Street Park is getting a new look
Things fall apart and wear out
It has now been 19 years since the park was originally dedicated and time has taken its toll on our park in the center of town. The original fountain's plumbing froze up and was removed several years ago. The eagle totem became weathered and unsafe for display and so was taken down last fall. The pavilion is in much need of being power-washed and a new coat of stain. The shakes on the roof have reached their life expectancy. And just like everything else the whole complex needs sprucing up.

The memorial stones were moved temporarily
so that the concrete work could be completed

The new cement benches being set

This past winter the Parks Committee convened to prioritize 2019 projects and in a relatively short period of time committed ourselves to approximately $50,000 worth of improvements and additions city-wide. One of the first orders of business was improving and expanding Main Street Park. Bids were put out and awarded to local contractor Jeremy Gesler of Gesler Concrete to lay down stamped concrete and create some bench seating at the park. What's more the memorial stones remain at the park but are displayed in a new location along the green space adjoining Ohde's. The pavilion not only will get its make-over but some non-supporting posts will be removed to create access from the pavilion to the new addition. What's more new signage will be erected that includes a new kiosk that includes a map of the city and where local businesses may be located.

And what about the new addition part? Well, at the very least we plan to erect electrical boxes on either side of the property so that during Harvest Fest or other community events vendors could have access to electricity. We're still kicking around the general plan but personally my hope is that whatever we finally do agree upon it will include some green space as well as some shade trees so that some of those “shady spots” that “Doc” Sletten originally imagined for Main Street Park will be realized. One of our “dream goals” is public restroom facilities to be located on the property as well. Last summer, 2nd Ward Alderperson Denise Moran and I did a walking tour of the downtown business district and in every case all but one of our business owners thought it would be wonderful if the city were to provide such facilities.

The work has begun in earnest and whenever changes happen people become anxious. Jeremy told me he had at least two visitors
Please note the memorial stones are now located
adjacent Ohde's Hometown Pharmacy
while he and his crew were laying the new concrete who took him to task for destroying the park. I myself received a piece of unsigned mail which chastised me for allowing the “beautiful Military Park to be ruined.” Well, for starters, the Veterans Park is located up on the north-end of town on the other side of the Long Bridge. Secondly, while we recognize that the changes that are happening will alter the appearance of Main Street Park we also hope people will enjoy the final product when everything is done and find it aesthetically pleasing.

He was a very generous soul

In the later years of his life, “Doc” Sletten and I became acquainted and whenever he would come to town he would go out of his way to encourage me in my work as a pastor. As everyone who knew him knows he was a very generous man not only monetarily but in friendship as well. I don't know what he'd say about all the changes that are going on at Main Street Park today but I think he would approve that the spirit of his original donation – a place that fosters a sense of community – is being adhered to. I guess we'll just have to wait and see until the work is complete.

Architectural image of what it might look like when complete

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